Basically... just some insights into a bored dudes life. Nah not really... it aint that bad. The blog will revolve around simple philosophies, food, alcohol and maybe pants?

Sunday, August 08, 2004

another day wasted

well... yesterday has got to rank among the LEAST productive days ever. no work done, didnt go out and basically acted sloth-ish. surprisingly, the guilt trip hasnt struck me as yet... perhaps its because im that far behind ive given up subconsciously?

waking up at 2pm i figured wouldnt get much done so i went for a walk around the block. things always appear so different when you take a different route from the regular walk. trees looked so much.... bigger (?) ok i cant really explain it, but it seemed like id entered into a different world.

which beckoned me to think, and pondered the great mysteries of like i was ten again. what would it be like to live in a mirror world... ok not literally, but like... nonsense things were opposite to what they were here. like:

  1. dogs walking their humans
  2. rain rising from the ground
  3. burgers eating people
  4. cars driving on the left side of the road (oh wait thats america)
  5. michael jackson was a white guy who turned black

and so on...

...well... at least i entertain myself...


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