the wonders of public transport. it takes a bloody hour to go a block in this town?! in ventura's defence however it WAS a public holiday, i just wish they would actually publish somewhere that they dont run the only bus that goes by my house on public holidays *sigh* what can one do in situations such as this but take the only alternate form of transport... a ride on the train, a brief walk and then a bus
but alas... in my little trip today i have discovered that SEX SELLS. in shopping for a card for a friend's niece's first birthday (yes complex) i found what i want for my 18th... a card with hot chicks ^____________^
i thought that would be great for the kid as well... until my friend so thoughtfully reminded me that there needs to be some decency in today's youth. so of course the card was not purchased. we opted for a more conventional "happy birthday" card.
after coming home, just lazing about the couch, watching tv and eating snacks after dinner, my hypothesis was proved further by the new duracell advert. im not sure if all have seen it, but it has the duracell bunny (naturally) and its just him going thru a regular rabbit day as a human (does taht work?) im not so sure... but anyway he goes to work, runs up the lifts and works out. at night, he comes home while all the eveready super heavy duty bunnies are dead. the our hero of the advert goes home... gets a piece of hot bunny and the screen fades to black. now does that not scream "buy duracell and you will get some"?
ok so maybe my mind is hyperactive... dont blame me i didnt have alcohol today, i think im going thru withdrawl symptoms >.<
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