Basically... just some insights into a bored dudes life. Nah not really... it aint that bad. The blog will revolve around simple philosophies, food, alcohol and maybe pants?

Saturday, June 12, 2004

How to spend a saturday?

Today the folks are entertaining guests... Sounds pretty normal right? Guess again, "entertainment" in our household means cards and karaoke plus the bickering my parents go through beforehand about when spring onions should be put into a salad.

So this leaves me with the dilemma of how to keep myself occupied while they fire off tunes from... oh the good old days of Mao (in case you haven't guessed already thats when my parents spent their youth). I had originally thought i would go shopping, but after the last post my ideas changed a little bit (that and the fact i can't actually access shops today).

My next plan was to sleep the whole day, wake to eat and the retire to sleeping quarters after, however that plan was shot to pieces by a phone call at 12.30. Damn you stuart! ah well at least i got shouted lunch ^^

After much deliberation, and a little more food, my plan is this... in accordance with my holiday treatment, i will watch the footy. I figure its been a bloody long time since i watched a full footy game, so ill make sure i catch the Bris v. Essendon game.

Between now and then however, i think i will continue acting genrally slobbish... and just lounge around with a can of chips.... that and adding to my blog =P Sound like an interesting way to spend saturday??? Well put it this way, im catching up on well deserved rest after frying my brain over the last couple of weeks.

These next few days, i think ill just stick with my sedentary life... i have to prepare myself (and my liver) for Post exam party on tuesday.... mmmmmmm alcomahol ^^


Blogger Unknown said...

Ah the good ole days of mao... its it just me or does every chinese parent play them damn songs???

June 14, 2004 at 10:53 AM


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